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At Battle Creek, our kindergartners are provided with many opportunities to engage in learning activities that are designed to educate the whole child through STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math). Our lessons help the children learn beginning reading, writing and math skills as well as positive social behavior. 

Our Teaching Philosophy

All children can learn! Learning should be joyful and full of movement, music, hands-on experiences and positive interactions. We want our kindergartners to respect themselves, others and our world. We believe families are important partners in the teaching and learning process. Opportunities for family involvement are provided through home practice, weekly library books and Battle Creek family night programs.

Skills Block: ULFI provides students with letter sound, letter name and letter formation knowledge. They use that knowledge to begin to read and spell words. During ULFI, students use manipulatives to practice spelling and reading.

Math: We use HMH math that heavily focuses on number sense. Part of HMH math is Waggle, a personalized practice and instruction.

Writing: For writing, students begin the year by focusing on the proper pencil grip, drawing lines, curves and shapes, letter formation and writing heart (sight) words. We then build on writing as students draw stories and label what is in their story. From there, students begin to write sentences. The new writing curriculum is called Step Up to Writing. The strategies through this curriculum improves students writing, reading, listening and speaking skills. 

Reading: Our reading curriculum is Fountas and Pinnell. Within this curriculum, students are exposed to whole group lessons (interactive reading aloud), small group lessons  (building on the specific skills they need) and independent reading activities. 

Kindergarten Teachers

Lilianna Lili

Tchr - Kindergarten

Jane Opine

Tchr - Kindergarten

Mary Simmons

Tchr - Kindergarten