Our Science specialists teach students on a rotating basis for a 50-minute period. Students work on specific standards that vary with each specialists' curriculum. Students enjoy a variety of hands-on activities, and environmentally focused lessons.
Kindergarten Activities:
- observing seasonal changes
- trees
- wood and paper
- fabric
- learning about the various types of defenses that animals use
- recognizing and describing various animal coverings
First-Grade Activities
- air and weather
- balance and motion
- pebbles, sand and silt
- displaying and interpreting information in graph form
Second-Grade Activities:
- solids, liquids and gases
- reviewing seasonal changes and how they affect the environment and its inhabitants
- studying the life cycles of insects, plants and animals
Third-Grade Activities:
- physics of sound
- earth materials
- structures of life
Fourth-Grade Activities:
- water
- magnetism and electricity
- human body
Fifth-Grade Activities:
- understanding how changing variables can affect experiment outcomes
- perform controlled experiments
- investigate the use of simple machines