Greetings Battle Creek Families!
We hope everyone had an enjoyable and relaxing Winter Break! Students and staff were full of smiles as they returned to school to see their friends and kick off a great 2019!
Here are a few updates and reminders:
- Please be sure that your child has appropriate clothing for going outside everyday. This includes boots, hats, mittens or gloves and and snow pants. Students go outside for recess everyday unless the air temperature falls below zero.
- Read A Thon envelopes are almost due! We hope students were able to read over Winter Break and collect donations for our PTO fundraiser. Students will earn prizes and all money collected will go directly back into the school. Please send all envelopes in by Monday, Jan 7th
- We Collect Box Tops for Education! Just drop them off in the office!
Save the Dates! Please join us for the following events:
1/14/19 - Parent Group (PTO) meeting 6:00-7:00 Everyone is encouraged to attend! Childcare provided. Principal, staff and families gather monthly for an open exchange of information, updates, questions/concerns and fundraising ideas. Please join us!
1/21/19 - No School - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
1/25/19 - No School - Teacher Professional Development
2/11/18 - National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID) All Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend! Join your child here at school to celebrate learning and parent involvement! Stay for a special lunch!
Or if you cannot attend, please consider attending our Parent Academy Seminar later in the evening. The topic will be Foundations for School Success: Expectation Help Children Learn. Dinner will be served at 5:30 and seminar 6:00-8:00. Childcare will be provided
Family and Community Engagement is important at BCE
Families can always ask for an interpreter for a school meeting if interpreters are not already provided. Just call BCE at 651-293-8850